Saturday, November 1, 2008

Breakfast at the Samaritan House, the homeless shelter in Kalispell

Today I served at the Samaritan House, our local homeless shelter with a bunch of ladies from our church bible study. We cooked and served breakfast and learned alot about this awesome place for the homeless in our community. It was such a blessing to be a part of. My heart is so stirred up to help more. It is so true that when you bless others and forget about yourself, it brings great joy to your heart! I was amazed at how God provides through this awesome couple that head this ministry. Everything is provided by grants and donations. They only serve dinner and cereal for breakfast. We made breakfast burritos and danishes from Costco :-) .. It stirred us ladies up so much that we all decided we would like to be part of this and cook and serve them dinner once a week. So we are going to make this all happen. If you want to learn more about the Samaritan house, please go to their blog. There is also a great video clip at the bottom of their blog.


Todd said...

That is so awesome!!!! I love hearing stories like this and seeing people in action! May God bless you all and all those that you are serving!

Levi Lusko said...

very proud of you--you blogging machine!