Sunday, August 31, 2008

Driving and driving and BEARS Oh MY!

We were on vacation for a few days and headed up to Waterton National Park. We go on our bear searching spree every year there.. We drive and drive and drive - over and over-- up and down the same roads and !Voila ! Happens everytime, we see tons of bears. This year we saw a total of 12. One with 3 cubs, One with 2 cubs, One with 1 cub, One single bear and then 2 grizzlies (we saw the grizzlies at Many Glacier) but don't bring it up to Greg because the rangers came out during the bear jam in the park and ran them back into the woods with a shotgun (or whatever you call it) to chase them away.. Greg was LIVID and even told one of the rangers he ran into in addition to the clerk in the gift shop how unfair that is, when you come to the park to see wildlife and they try to prevent you from the fun.. :-) Sore subject for Greg!
We didn't get pics of those grizzly's but here's few shots of the some others. We had a good time.